Tuesday 16 December 2008

17th December 2008

We have an interior space, our soul, which is a space that we can fill with endless distractions and avoidance mechanisms. If we can remove some of the avoidance mechanisms, then our self-awareness will grow quite naturally. Gossip and idle curiosity are top of the list of things to avoid; these activities waste our time, distracting us from more generous and thoughtful conversation or reading…So cut out reading rubbish and allow reading time to become spiritual reading. This is the first remedy for spiritual apathy; to read spiritual books and reflect on what they are saying about our own lives. A good book can help us to stay focused on what matters, free from distraction. In the Christian monastic tradition pride of place is given to reading the Bible prayerfully, a reading style called lectio divina. This slow reading has been compared to eating; firstly, bite off the words by simply reading them; then chew them, that is, repeat them again and again in meditation; then swallow by making those words into a prayer and finally enjoy the flavour of the words in silent contemplation.

Finding Happiness. Page 62 by Abbot Christopher Jamison. Published by Weidenfeld and Nicolson

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