Saturday 20 December 2008

21st December 2008

It's easy to get believing in God all the wrong way round. We think we need to understand have all the answers - or at least most of them - before we can believe. Many people find that it works the other way round; they believe in order to understand. They start from the premise that it might be true, that those feelings inside them that tell them that there might be more to life that what they see around them might be right after all, and then, inch by inch, as they participate in the life of the church and try to behave in a way that matches up to those beliefs, understanding slowly grows.

This is faith and it's not the same thing as certainty. It always includes doubts. And there is never a time when all these questions are answered. One question leads to another. And if your children ask you questions, give them honest answers. Don't pretend you know it all. Most of us have a bit of faith, it just needs nurturing and tending. FInd a place for both you and your children where your questions can be explored.

One of the names that Jesus is given at his birth is Emmanual. It means 'God with us.' The Christmas story is about God revealed in a person, living among us, and known in relationship. Just like all human relationships, this one with God, requires honesty and trust. What we need to do now is to give it a go.

From 'Do Nothing Christmas is Coming' by, Stephen Cotterall pp 50 ff, Church House Publishing, 2008

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