Saturday 4 December 2010

Shepherds star in BBC’s The Nativity

From the BBC website...

The writer who brought Kat and Alfie to life in EastEnders has been working on another tempestuous relationship this year – Mary and Joseph.

Tony Jordan, lead writer on EastEnders and writer of Life on Mars, has been adapting the story of the Nazareth couple whose lives were thrown off course by an unexpected pregnancy. The result of his extensive research and writing is The Nativity, which will be shown on BBC One in the week leading up to Christmas.

Over four half-hour episodes, the familiar story is given a contemporary twist, as the drama follows Joseph (Andrew Buchan) and Mary (Tatiana Maslany) from their initial courtship – Joseph desperate to win the heart of Mary – to his emotional turmoil at her mysterious pregnancy.

Tony Jordan says, ‘The challenge for me was to retell a story that has been told countless times before, a story that everyone knows intimately, yet to do so in a way that will still surprise and move you, to see parts of the story you’d never seen before.’

Rich in colour and humour, the remarkable events that led up to Jesus’ birth will unfold across the four nights, from the epic journey of the wise men (one of whom is played by Peter Capaldi from The Thick of It) to the poignant tale of Thomas, a poor shepherd, whose waning faith in God is revived as he kneels beside the crib of the newborn king.

Of all the characters in the drama, Tony Jordan feels most affinity with Thomas.

‘The Magi are there to watch the fulfilment of Balaam’s prophecy, Mary is there because she has been chosen by God, and Joseph has been chosen by God to look after Mary and the child. Everybody is there for a reason, but the question still remains, “Well, what does this mean to me? Why is this important to a normal working bloke?” And Thomas is there to represent all of us.’

The Nativity, BBC One, starting Monday 20 December at 7pm.

For a gallery of pictures from the production released today by the BBC, visit our Facebook photos page.

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